Top Twilight News

It's a Valentine's Day show filled with hot ratings and elite matchmaking.

Our Valentine's Day show fans the flames of love so you don't have to. James Hong, co-founder of drops in to tell us why he'll risk tipping his cash cow to expand the HOTorNOT brand. Margot Chavellier shares her secrets for pulling Silicon Valley 's elite executives out of the boardroom and into the arms of their perfect match. And in the Internet Files-why Uncle Sam can't find his laptops.

A Critic, the Go Daddy® Chopper, & Directing Web Traffic

The Super Bowl® may be over, but Bob and Nima are still in Super Bowl form. Renowned ad critic Barbara Lippert & Bob "square off" over the game's ads -- and hear why Go Daddy's ad can no longer be called "the lowest of the low." Paul Teutul, Sr. of Orange County Chopper takes us behind the scenes of the Go Daddy chopper's unveiling at the oh-so-hot Maxim party and previews their next show featuring Candice Michelle. Then Brad Rinklin of Akamai has the skinny on which big game ads generated the most Web traffic. Finally, in the Internet Files--why is Steve Jobs taking on the music industry?

A Critic, Candice & the Pre-Super Bowl® Go Daddy Bash!

Bob throws his own pre-Super Bowl party and you're invited. Hear AdWeek 's legendary commercial critic Barbara Lippert's honest review of this year's big ads. "Go Daddy Girl" Candice Michelle drops in-studio to explain how she broke her nose in the ring. Bob gets advice from Maxim Magazine's publisher on what to wear to their party in Miami. Plus in the Internet Files - how the Web is center stage at the Super Bowl.


Hier werde ich mal erst eine Pause machen,denn ich habe einen Designblog gewonnen. Ich hatte nicht mehr damit gerechnet um so größer war die Freude als ich eine Mail von Bea bekam.Aus Zeitlichen Gründen werde ich diesen Blog erst mal in Urlaub schicken.Ihr findet mich jetzt Hier. Ich hoffe Ihr besucht mich mal in meinen neuen Blog.Freue mich schon auf Euren Besuch.
Ich wünsche Euch allen eine schöne und strickreiche Zeit.
Liebe Grüße


Transforming TV & Text-book Marketing

Bob gets the scoop on how Sling Media' has leveraged the Web so you can watch TV from virtually anywhere. Also, an authority on the all-important topic of advertising walks us through the power of brand-marketing - Author George Belch, Ph.D. goes one-on-one with our own Super Bowl® "Daddy." In the Internet Files, how Yahoo® "blew it," plus will anyone ever be able to surpass Google®?

Bob poses his own questions to Ask Men and also gets important answers for Vets.'s Editor-in-Chief explains how this "GQ-style" site has made it big where others have failed. With 5 million readers monthly, this formula is worth a listen for anyone looking for a spike in Web traffic. Plus, - we've all seen the stories of war vets returning home, on this program Bob chats with a CEO who helps military personnel transition back into civilian life. Hear how the 'Net assists these aspiring business minds. In the Internet Files, Google® and Yahoo® duke it out on-the-go.


Heute muß ich von 13:00 - 20:00 Uhr arbeiten.Morgenfrüh haben wir ein Spiel,gottseidank hier in der Halle,und der Haushalt will auch bewältigt werden.Deswegen nur ein kurzes Melden meinerseits.
Ich muß euch doch noch kurz was berichten,denn ich habe gewonnen
und zwar einen Designblog.Habe nicht mehr damit gerechnet und auch nicht mehr dran gedacht.Umso größer war die Freude als mir Bea eine Mail geschickt hat.Jetzt muß ich Ihn nur noch einrichten.


Bob conquers cable with SuperBowl news! Then zips through a crash course in speed reading too!

If ever a show was busting at the seams - it's this one! Bob's back after last week's whirlwind coast-to-coast tour - boasting spots on CNBC and EXTRA! After he settled in - he got dirty with HillClimb Media, sped through a lesson in speed reading with The Literacy Company, and even brought back Cameron Johnson for a another guest spot Whew! After this ride - everyone's gonna need some water and good night's sleep!

Bob's back from The Big Apple, the Butler family, and entrepreneur Cameron Johnson!

Bob slid into town late after a long day in New York City! After that - he dished out news on Go Daddy's role in the big game this February, then took time to sit with rock and roll father-daughter pair the Butler family! Young entrepreneur Cameron Johnson rounded out the show - before Bob had to take off once again to L.A. What a day! What a case of jetlag!

Hallo in der Runde

Das neue Jahr bring´ Glück und Frieden.
Das sei den Menschen all´beschieden.
Es bringe viele frohe Tage
und wenig,was dem Herz zur Klage.
Wir packen´s an mit frohem Mut -
dann wird das neue Jahr auch gut.
Lisl Güthoff

Ich wünsche euch von ganzem Herzen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.Kommt gut rein.Bleibt alle gesund und diejenigen die jetzt noch krank sind, werdet schnell wieder gesund.


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