Kristen & Rob: Sieger bei der Wahl des BRAVO OTTO

Mo, 30/07/2012 - 21:35 | by GermanTwilighters

Rob & Kristen receive their BRAVO Otto (German fan award)
from the magazine:

  • “Both won their award for ‘Best Actor’ and ‘Best Actress’ twice in a row.”
  • “Rob remembers the moment he received his first award very well: ‘It was in Munich and there were lots and lots of fans.’, he says. Unfortunately, today the fans can’t be with us, because I meet Rob in the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles.”
  • “Rob: ‘An award from the fans is the biggest honour.’ Then he notices a second award on the table next to him. ‘Who’s this one for?”, he asks. When he reads the inscription which says ‘Kristen Stewart’, he’s amazed: ‘Wow! Kristen won, too? This is awesome! I’m sure she’ll be happy about this!’. He’s right! A few minutes later i surprise Kristen with her award. ‘It’s pretty heavy!’, she says and starts to laugh. ‘Please tell my fans in Germany that I’m fucking proud of this award. It means so much to me that they love the movies we work so hard for on set!’”

via finallyherboyfriendisenglish

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