Spineless Liberals Turn Coldblooded Terrorists Into Victims, Ann Coulter Rages!

Mi, 25/11/2009 - 09:00 | by t-lautner.com

Those bleeding-heart liberals insist on turning everyone -- even hardcore terrorists -- into victims, our guest, conservative icon and agitator extraordinaire Ann Coulter, claims in a rapid-fire broadside against the Left. And, she fumes, this spineless surrender mentality is exactly why the Army and everyone else failed to act on the chilling rhetoric from Fort Hood massacre suspect Maj. Hasan! And on The Internet Files, the panelists discuss Google's plans to double Internet speeds with a new application-layer protocol. Also on the menu: Conspiracy theorists and other nuts believe the world will come to a cataclysmic end on Dec. 21, 2012. So can we kiss our earthly lives goodbye?

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