Michael Sheen über Aro und Dakota!

Mtv führte ein Interview mit Michael Sheen...

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Zu Dakota: Scary as hell :O

MTV: You must have a whole new fanbase now.
Sheen: I'm very big with the under-12s. They're very big fans of "Frost/Nixon."

MTV: When will we see Aro next?
Sheen: Well, he doesn't appear in "Eclipse." He appears again in "Breaking Dawn."

MTV: Have they told you to set aside some time for that one?
Sheen: Who knows? Nothing has been spoken about yet.

MTV: We can also see some teases of a dark Dakota Fanning in the "New Moon" trailer. How is she in the film?
Sheen: She's fantastic. She's scary as hell, but she looks so sweet. She's got a great character there. People are really going to love her.

MTV: You've worked with all kinds of actors. But is there anything quite like working with the maelstrom that is Robert Pattinson?
Sheen: [Laughs.] I don't know how he copes with it all. I certainly wouldn't have been able to deal with it when I was his age. He and Kristen are really amazing. They're fully committed to what they're doing, and I wish them all the best.

MTV: What's the one "New Moon" scene you're most excited to see come together?
Sheen: There's a great scene that involves all of them. Robert, Kristen — Ashley is there as well. All the Volturi are there, and we're on this amazing set, and there's a lot of effects and stuff. I think that will be amazing.

Der Typ ist knorke! Ich weiß ich wiederhole mich wenn ich sage, dass ich ihn obercool finde^^

Komplettes Interview auf Mtv.com!


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